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Arden Davis

Arden Davis is the Director of Customer Success at Copient Health, a healthcare software startup that specializes in Operating Room optimization. With experience in all stages of the customer journey, Arden is well-versed in the inner workings of the healthcare software industry. Arden’s focus is on building relationships and analyzing data to help her customers achieve their business objectives. As a leader, she is always looking for ways to improve processes and procedures and enjoys coaching her team members to help them reach their full potential.

How Celebrating Surgical Office Schedulers Leads to Increased ROI

Last month, the business development team at Baylor Scott & White Surgical Hospital – Las Colinas invited us to spend some time with the surgeons’ office schedulers. Hosting 1 or 2 of these events a year, the objective is to build relationships between the hospital and the physician offices and to generally show appreciation for the schedulers themselves. Marisa Amador, Physician Liaison for BSW - Las Colinas, called me up to ask that I, on behalf of Copient Heath, make an appearance at the Schedulers Appreciation Event on July 19th, 2022.

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